Regardless of  whether your truck is diesel, gas or electric it will require a daily maintenance check to ensure the safe and smooth running of the vehicle, and in turn your business. These checks should be performed prior to use and are one of the first elements to be taught on any FLT driver training course.    

Electric Forklifts

1. Check battery electrolyte levels after charging battery
2. Check hydraulic oil level
3. Check all wheel nuts for tightness
4. Inspect hoses for leaks and damage
5. Visually inspect tyres for damage and inflation pressure
6. Top up batteries with distilled water/di-ionised
7. Additionally ensure that batteries are recharged after each shift, and avoid engaging in random charging.

Diesel & Gas Forklifts

1. Check radiator water level
2. Check engine oil level
3. Check all wheel nuts for tightness
4. Check fuel level
5. Visually check water trap
6. Inspect hoses for leaks and damage
7. Examine tyres visually for damage and inflation pressure



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